Sale! The choke shaft of the Honda HS1336i hybrid snowblower can be easily operated – even when the carburetor is frozen – with a single press of the external lever. Make sure carb cleaner exits each passage way. To have your engine’s carburetor modified for high elevation use, contact an authorized Honda Power Equipment Dealer near you for assistance. Options modified carburetor may cause the engine to overheat, and result in serious engine damage. We can help fix your problem with our repair guide. The Honda track driven system makes for superior traction through practically any snow condition. Search for parts for your Honda Snow Blowers HS HS55 HS55K1 WA HS55K1-1100001-1200000 CARBURETOR Honda HRX217 AutoChoke Carburetor Assembly (16100-Z0Y-M42) $ 34. The Pulsa Jet carburetor resides above the on-board gasoline tank. Stop by and visit our knowledgeable and Friendly staff today. A carburetor rebuild kit will include all the jets needed to overhaul the carb, as well as all the O-rings, gaskets and washers.
During this time our engineers have continued to create a full R9558 Carburetor Float Pin for Briggs & Stratton, Lawnboy and Tecumseh Replaces (OEM): BRIGGS & STRATTON 230896, 231435, 691775 LAWNBOY 300096 TECUMSEH 27106 Fits Models: TECUMSEH CA-630883-CA-632329A carburetors LENGTH: 7/8" OD: 3/32" Clean and rebuild the snowblower carburetor.

Shop online for OEM CARBURETOR parts that fit your Honda Power Equipment HS35 A - HS35 1000001-9999999, search all our OEM Parts or call at (888) 853-8468 Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions. Next spray out all the passageways with carburetor cleaner. If the cleaning in step 4 did not help enough, the jets need to be cleaned more thoroughly. Be 100% sure all gaskets, insulators, and parts are fitted back correctly it is easy to get one or more on backwards or upside down. , in Japan collaborated to design and develop the all-new HSS snow blowers, integrating a host of innovative design elements that The chute direction control can direct the snow to land up to 26 feet away. Honda snowblower carburetor jets Fits Honda GXV160.